Ligers and their Population

Officially; there are about 100 ligers in the world. This population of the ligers is based upon scientifically collected data from different worldwide zoos, animal sanctuaries, safari and wild animal parks, wildlife centers and menageries. which is an online website that tracks liger zoos from all around the world, has tracked more than 40 zoos, all over the world that had ligers. According to LIGER ZOOS website, majority of zoos which had ligers are located in United States, China and Russia. Recently; National Geographic has also pointed out total numbers of liger around the world to almost 100. However; there is a big possibility that the total numbers of ligers in the world will be more than 100, if we include privately owned liger pets as well in the overall total count.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger population has reached a total of 100 ligers all over the world.
Liger population has reached a total of 100 ligers all over the world. 21st century has witnessed the biggest surge within liger population. Photo courtesy of 

Throughout the history, ligers have been very rare and they were only found out to be one in thousands of big cat species. During 18th and 19th centuries; less than 5 ligers have been reported worldwide. In 20th century alone, there were hardly 10 ligers in the world. However; during the 21st century, the numbers of ligers have increased by more than 10 times globally, as compared to the 20th century. In 21st century; many countries which never had any ligers; started to cross breed lions and tigresses to populate their zoos with ligers and this is one of the key reasons that there are around 100 ligers in the world. It should also be noted that the information technology boom and spread of crossbreeding studies and knowledge have also contributed to this boost within liger numbers as well.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger population has increased within 21st century.
The first two decades of the 21st century has experienced the maximum growth within liger population. Photo courtesy of 

United States has the biggest population of the ligers in the world. In USA ligers are either part of zoos, animal safari parks, sanctuaries or menageries. It should also be noted that USA also represents highest numbers of zoos that have ligers and as of 2017, there are 17 such zoos having ligers. According to the official count, there are at least 46 ligers in these zoos right now. However; there maybe 10s of more ligers in USA, at privately owned facilities as well. The first ever liger in USA was born in 1948 and her name was Shasta the liger (1948 -1972). At that time, there was only 1 liger in USA. Today the most popular liger zoos in USA include Myrtle Beach Safari (South Carolina), Jungle Island (Florida), Tigerworld (North Carolina) and Wynnewood Zoo (Oklahoma).

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger Population, numbers, estimates etc

China is on the second spot in the world for the total numbers of ligers. During the last 10 years or so, many zoos in China have crossbred lion and tigresses to produce ligers. Currently there are at least 8 zoos in China that have ligers and the total numbers of ligers in China are about 22. The country's first liger was born in 2002 at Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park which is located at China's Haiku province. A tigress at this zoo has made a world record of giving births to at least 12 liger cubs. 10 of these liger cubs are still alive today. Other most popular zoos in China include Shanghai Wild Animal Park, Harbin Zoo, Hongshan Forest Zoo, Shenzhen Wildlife Zoo and Wuxi Animal Zoo.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger population has increased in China as well. China holds the second biggest population of ligers.
The population of the ligers within China has also increased recently and China is on the second spot in terms of global liger population. China has experienced the fastest growth rate wtihin the liger population. Photo courtesy of 

Russia is on the third spot; when it comes to the official counting of the ligers globally. The country's first liger was born in 2004 at Novosibirsk Zoo. The name of Russia's first liger was Zita the liger. Currently; at least 4 zoos in Russia have ligers. Moreover; some privately owned circuses in Russia also have ligers as well. Russia is also the first currently in the world to breed world's rarest liligers. A liliger has a male lion as its father and a female liger as its mother. As of 2017, there are about 12 ligers in Russia. Novosibirsk Zoo and Sochi Zoo in Russia, are the most popular zoos to watch ligers.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Russia has also witnessed within an increase of liger population.
The population of the ligers have also increased within Russia as well. More and more zoos in Russia have recently bred ligers and Russia is on the third spot in terms of liger population numbers. Photo courtesy of 

Apart from USA, China and Russia, only a handful of countries in the world have ligers. These countries include South Korea, South Africa, Taiwan, Philippines, United Arab Emirates, Indonesia, Thailand, Argentina and Libya. A total of around 1 or two ligers are present at one of their zoos. Majority of these countries have bred ligers in the 21st century. Taiwan is the only country in the world which has put a ban on the crossbreeding of lions and tigers, after the first birth of liger cubs in 2010. It should also be noted that the total numbers of countries to breed ligers have increased in the recent years. Argentina, Philippines, United Arab Emirates and Thailand are the latest countries which have bred ligers in the recent time.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger Population within United States is Highest.
United States has the highest Population numbers of ligers of around more than 30 Ligers in USA. This picture belongs to 

Recently; many news channels and their websites have claimed that the total numbers of ligers are less than 10. Such reports are either obsolete or total bogus, as their researchers had no idea about the actual numbers of the ligers. For example, recently in 2017; website has claimed that there are 30 ligers in the world. This count is totally wrong. Similarly; and DW TV has also given their counts of ligers as only 30 and 23 respectively in 2017. These counts were absolutely wrong as well. Surprisingly these news sources are considered as mainstream media's pillar and yet still their counts are nowhere near to the accurate.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
The population of the ligers during the 21st century has increased to 100 in 2017.
The population of the ligers during the 21st century increased by 10 times. In 2017; there were an estimated more than 100 ligers around the world. 

In order to ensure the accurate count, the best way is to refer each and every zoo that has liger and their numbers. Let's begin this up with USA, by estimating total numbers of officially declared ligers in its various zoos.

Total numbers of ligers in USA = 46 Ligers

Number of Ligers in Various Zoos of USA
Zoo Name Number of Ligers
Myrtle Beach Safari 9 Ligers
Jungle Island Miami 2 Ligers
Tiger World 1 Liger, 1 Tiliger
Big Cat Encounters 1 Liger
Wildlife Ways Station 2 Ligers
Animal Safari Park Pine Mountain 2 Ligers
Wild Animal Safari Stafford 2 Ligers
McCarthy's Wildlife Sanctuary 1 Liger
Endangered Animal Rescue Sanctuary 1 Liger
Serenity Springs Wildlife Center 2 Ligers
Woody's Menagerie at Illinois 2 Ligers
McClelland's Critter Zoo 2 Ligers
Trupentine Creek Wildlife Refuge 2 Ligers
Sierra Safari Zoo 1 Liger
GW Zoo 3 Ligers, 2 Tiligers, 5 Liligers
D&D Farm Animal Sanctuary 1 Liger
Liger at Noah's Lost Ark in Berlin Center 3 Ligers
Ainad Shrine Circus 1 Liger
Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger population at Myrtle Beach Safari, South Carolina, USA.
Myrtle Beach Safari in South Carolina has successfully contributed to the population of the ligers by successfully breeding ligers and even white ligers. 

As mentioned earlier, China is on the second spot in terms of population of the ligers. There are 22 zoos in China.

Total Numbers of Ligers in China = 22

Ligers in various Chinese zoos
Zoo Name Total Numbers of Ligers
Shanghai Wild Animal Park 2 Ligers
Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park 8 Ligers
Harbin Zoo 2 Ligers
Hongshan Forest Zoo 4 Ligers
Shenzhen Wildlife Zoo 4 Ligers
Wuxi Animal Zoo 2 Ligers
Read 99 Facts of Ligers
China has the second largest population of ligers with a total of 22 ligers.
China is on the second spot when it comes to the population of the ligers. There are 22 ligers in China as of 2017. 

Russia is on the third spot in terms of numbers of ligers at its territory. There are at least 4 zoos in Russia which have ligers.

Total Numbers of Ligers in Russia = 13 Ligers

Liger Numbers in Various Zoos of Russia
Zoo Name Total Numbers of Ligers
Novosibirsk Zoo 1 Liger and 4 Liligers
Sochi Zoo 2 Ligers and 3 Liligers
Kemerovo Zoo 2 Ligers
Vladivostok Zoo 1 Liger
Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Russia is on the third spot in terms of ligers' population. There are 13 ligers in Russia as of 2017.
Russia is on the third spot with maximum numbers of ligers. As of 2017; there are 13 ligers in Russia. 

Apart from USA, China and Russia; there are 12 ligers in other countries which include South Korea, South Africa, Argentina, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and Taiwan.

Total numbers of Ligers in other Countries = 12 Ligers

Various Countries with Ligers
Zoo Name, Country Total Numbers of Ligers
Pingtung Rescue Center, Taiwan 1 Liger
Everland Zoo, South Korea 1 Liger
Tripoli Zoo, Libya 1 Liger
Natal Zoological Gardens, South Africa 1 Liger
Biliran Mini Zoo, Philippines 1 Liger
Liger, Indonesia 1 Liger
Huahin Zoo, Thailand 2 Ligers
Lujan Zoo, Argentina 1 Liger
Private Zoo, Dubai 3 Ligers
Liger Articles

100+ Ligers in the World

Why Li-Ligers are Born so Late?

Liger Stripes vs. Tiger Stripes

Ligers, Ti-Ligers & Ti3-Ligers

Liger Population in China

10 Lies about Ligers

Types of Tiger Stripes

Samson - The Biggest Tiger

Tigers Love Swimming

Ligers & Big Cats Conservation

Facial Markings - Tigers

Florida - No.1 for Ligers

Levi the Liger

Li-Ligers in China

Lions have Spotted Marks on their Fur

White Ligers have Light Brown Fur

Liger Population in Russia

1st, 2nd & 3rd Generations of Hybrid Big Cats

Boco the Li-Liger

Liger Population in USA

Ligers, Li-Ligers & Li3-Ligers

Facial Markings of Ligers

Lion & Tiger Hybridization

Non-Sterile Ligers - The Truth

Ligers have more Stripes than Tigers

Tiger Stripes - 10 Facts

Tiger Lookalike Ligers - Types

Ligers at Zoological Wildlife Foundation

Ligers at Chang Puak Camp - Hat Yai, Thailand

Ligers at Octagon Wildlife Sanctuary

Types of Ligers

Liger vs Lion

Ligers in Circus Shows

Female Ligers

Biggest Tiger ever Recorded

Hybrid Big Cats of the 21st Century

Ligers Love Swimming

Manes of Ligers

Biggest Lion ever Recorded

Ligers in Guinness Book of World Records

Bite Force of a Liger

Ligers & Deformity - Myth or Reality?

Speed of a Tiger

Liger vs Tigon

Taman Safari Zoo Liger in Indonesia

Hua Hin Zoo Liger in Thailand

Lujan Zoo Ligers at Buenos Aires, Argentina

Myrtle Beach Safari - The Liger Hub

Wynnewood Zoo Ligers

Why Ligers Grow Bigger?

Tiliger = A Tiger & Ligress Offspring

White Ligers

Tigon = A Hybrid of Tiger & Lioness

Lion vs. Tiger

Ligers and their Population

Kate Winslet & Tigers

Liliger - An Offspring of Lion & Liger

Liger vs Tiger

China York & Ligers

Moksha Bybee & Ligers

Liger Videos

Liger Pictures

Liger - Informationen, Fotos, Videos und Forschung Artikeln

Liikeri - Tietoa, valokuvia, videoita ja Tutkimus Artikkelit

Liger - Informasjon, bilder, fakta, forskning, Profiler og Magazine artikler

Ligre - Informations, Vidéos, Photos et articles de recherche

LIGER - informacije, slike, videi in raziskovalni clanki

Liger - Ligern - Information, Upplysning, Bilder, Filmer och Forskningasartiklar

Лігер - інформації, фотографій, відео та наукові статті

Лигер - екі дәу мысықтар тобының гибриді


Weights of Ligers, Lions and Tigers

Liger Killed its Keeper

Liger vs. Polar Bear

Liiger: Info, fotod, videod ja Teadusministeerium artiklid

Liger Biggest Traits

The Word Liger

Liger vs. Gaur

Liger vs. Hippopotamus

Liger vs. Bison

Ligers vs Wild African Buffalo

Liger vs. Wildebeest

Ligers in Different Countries of the World

Hercules the Liger

Ligers and Cruelty

Liger Oden - Liger Profile

Liger Cubs - Malinka & Leloo

Ligers and Ethics

Chris Heiden and Ligers

Rajani Ferrante and Ligers

Male Liger vs Male Lions - Behavior Comparison

Ligers are Sterile? Definitely Not!

Black Liger - Possibilities

Ligers in France - First Ever French Ligers

Japanese Liger - First Ever Liger in Japan!

Ligers and their Stripes

Liger Appreances & Physcial Variations

Tallest Liger - Sinbad the Liger

Female Liger vs Lioness - Comparison

Ligers in United Kingdom | India to England

Liger Radar - A Ti-liger from a Female Liger and Male Tiger

Do Ligers Grow all their Life?

Can a Liger Survive in a Wild?

Liger Kalika - Liger Profile

Liger vs. Saber-Toothed Tiger

Liger vs. The Great American Lion

Liger Vulcan - Liger Profile

Liger Zeus - Liger Profile

Triplet Liger Cubs at Wisconsin

Biggest Liger Ever Recorded

Twin Korean Ligers - Liger Chris & Liger Rapido

Liger Rapido - The First Ever Korean Liger

Ligers at Noah Ark Zoo in Germany

Liger Lyra - Liger Cub from Russia

Freckles the Liger Having Teeth Surgery

Liger Freckles - Liger Profile

Ligers' Teeth

Ligers Genetics

Russian Ligers - The First ever Liger in Russia

Liger Breeding is Legal in United States

Liger Rocky - Liger Profile

Liger Sinbad - Liger Profile

Liger Nook - Liger Profile

Liger Weights - Male vs Female Liger Weights

Ligers - False Information Contents

Liger News Coverage & Buzz

Ligers - Online Information Contents

Liger Cubs in Taiwan (Triplet Liger Cubs)

Why Ligers are Illegal? It is Worthless

Ligers - History and Origin of Ligers

Liger Cubs vs Tiger Cubs - Growth & Weight

Tiger Cubs - Growth Rate

Liger Cubs Growth Rate

Liger Cubs vs Tiger Cubs - Growth Rate

Ligers and Other Hybrids

Shasta the Liger - The First Ever American Liger

Ligers Deaths & Causes

Ligers and Blindness

Liger: Recorded Ages of the Ligers

Highest Recorded Age of the Liger Ever

Shasta - The Only Liger of 1972

Liger: The Second Fastest Carnivore in the World

Speed of the Ligers

Liger Cubs and Mortality Rates

Ligers and Legal Constraints

Liger Birth Record - Maximum Births

Quadruplet Chinese Liger Cubs - Liger Profile

Chinese Twin Ligers : Liger Profile

Ligers as Pet

Ligers and the Lifestyles of their Parents (Tigers and Lions)

Growth of the Ligers

Size of the Ligers

Liger Parents Behavioral Genetics (Lions and Tigers)

Ligers and Their Genetic Diseases

Eating Habits of Ligers

Do Ligers have a short Lifespan?

Pyometra in Ligers: Are Ligers Vulnerable to Pyometra?

Ligers and Cash Inflows for Zoos and Animal Sanctuaries

Ligers and Overlapping Territories of Lions and Tigers

Ligers in the Wild

Patrick the Liger - Liger Profile

Samson the Liger - Liger Profile

Gobi the Liger - Liger Profile

Wayne the Liger - Liger Profile

Dave Salmoni and Ligers

Ligers in US Zoos

Ligers and C-Section

Ligers and Incomplete DNA

Ligers and Weaker Heart

Ligers and Health Problems

Can Ligers Sustain their Body Pressure?

Dr. Bhagavan Antle & Ligers

Ariana the Liger - Liger Profile

Ligers and their Trade

Are Ligers Being Intentionally Bred?

Ligers as Social Big Cats