Liger Population in China

The population statistics indicate that there are around 22 to 25 ligers in China. This figure of 22 to 25 ligers is officially counted from different zoos and safari parks within China. These numbers also allows China to be among very few countries that have significant numbers of ligers in captivity. More and more zoos and safari parks in China are accumulating ligers within their premises.

China has as many as 25 ligers at its various zoos and animal safari parks. China is among the very few countries of the world which has ligers.

Since; there is no such trend in China to have exotic big cats at the private facilities and reserves; we can ignore the fact that there might be more ligers which we might be missing. Therefore; an estimated figure of maximum 25 ligers should be considered as the total liger population in China. This article explores and reveals the vital insights about the ligers and their population in China from multiple perspectives.

Liger Population in China
25 Ligers in Total
China's Significance
Among Very Few Countries to have Ligers
In Terms of Liger Numbers
China is at the 2nd Spot
Ligers can be Watched at
Chinese Zoos & Safari Parks
No Ligers are Found
at Private Captivities in China

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger population in China is around 25 ligers.
According to the estimates, there are as many as 25 ligers at different zoos in China. Photo courtesy of 

China only started breeding ligers at the start of the 21st century and before that there weren’t any concept of the hybrid big cats in China. In fact; the China’s first ever liger cubs were born in 2002, when the two liger cubs were born from the successful crossbreeding of the male lion and the tigress. About eight years later (by the end of 2010), China increased its liger population to almost 10 to 15 ligers.

In 2002; there were only 2 ligers in China and by the end of 2010 there were almost 15 ligers in China. Today in 2019; as many as 25 ligers live at different zoos and safari parks of China.

Currently in 2019; there are as many as 25 ligers at different zoos and safari parks in China. Therefore; within almost 2 decades, the population of the ligers in China has significantly increased from just 2 ligers to almost 25 ligers. Today; China not only has the ligers but also the Tigons (Tiger & Lioness Crossbred) and the Li-Ligers (Lion & Ligress Crossbred) as well.

China only Bred Ligers
In the 21st Century
China's First Ever Ligers
Were Born in 2002
2002 - Liger Population in China
Just 2 Ligers
2010 - Liger Population in China
10 to 15 Ligers
2019 - Liger Population in China
Almost 25 Ligers
Today; China Not only has Ligers
But Also the Tigons & Li-Ligers

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger population increased from 2 in 2002 to 25 ligers in 2019.
The population of the ligers in China increased from just 2 ligers in 2002, then 15 ligers in 2010 and recently 25 ligers in 2019. Photo courtesy of 

In Asia; China is at the top spot for having maximum numbers of ligers. Across the globe; China is only second to the United States of America in terms of liger population. As compared to the China's 25 ligers, the USA has more than 50 ligers in captivity (which are more than double). These two countries (USA and China) represent the 75% of the global liger population as well.

In terms of liger population, China is only second to United States which has more than 50 ligers. Together these two countries represent 75% of the global liger population.

USA is also the top country in the world to have maximum numbers of lions and tigers in captivity. They say that USA has more tigers and lions in captivity than even in the wild. Apart from China and USA, the other two countries with significant numbers of ligers include the Russia and the Thailand which have around 12 and 10 ligers respectively.

In Asia; China is at
No.1 for Ligers
Globally; China is at
the 2nd Spot for Ligers
United States
Tops the List with 50 Ligers
Russia is at
the third spot with 12 Ligers
Thailand is at
the Fourth spot with 10 Ligers

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
China is on 2nd spot for Liger population globally.
Worldwide; China is at the 2nd spot for the global liger population. United States leads the at the top wth more than 50 ligers. Russia as at the third spot with 12 ligers. Photo courtesy of  

At least 9 zoos and wildlife parks within china have ligers. Some of these zoos have bred ligers at their facilities while some have brought the ligers from the other zoos. After the United States (24 to 28 zoos); China also has the highest numbers of zoos and wildlife parks than any country in the world. USA is at the top spot with as many as 24 zoos and wildlife parks with ligers.

China has as many as 9 zoos and wildlife parks which have ligers. This makes China on the second spot with maximum numbers of zoos with ligers after USA which has 24 such zoos.

The names of the Chinese zoos and the wildlife parks with ligers include the Shanghai Wild Animal Park, Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park, Harbin Tiger Garden, Hongshan Forest Zoo, Shenzhen Safari Park, Wuxi Animal Zoo, Badaling Wildlife Park, Dongshan Lake Wildlife Park and the Shanxi Dongxiakou Wildlife Park. If you are in China, you have oodles of opportunities to watch ligers, because most of these zoos and wildlife parks are located within the major cities of China.

Numbers of Liger Zoos in China
9 Zoos in China have Ligers
All Major Cities of China
Has Zoos with Ligers
Numbers of Liger Zoos in USA
24 to 28 Zoos in USA have Ligers
Numbers of Liger Zoos in Russia
7 Zoos in Russia have Ligers

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
9 Zoos in China have ligers.
As many as 9 zoos within China have ligers. Only United States have more numbers of zoos with ligers (24 to 28 zoos). Russia has 7 zoos with ligers. Photo courtesy of 

The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park & Botanical Gardens in China is the most popular wildlife park to have ligers at its premises. The wildlife park is located at the Haiku province of China which is also a very famous travel destination. China's first ligers were also born in this zoo and there are around 5 to 8 ligers at this wildlife park today. Over the years; this wildlife park has produced more than 15 ligers.

The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park is the famous destination to watch the ligers in China. The Wildlife successfully bred China's first ligers and it has Tigons and Li-Ligers as well.

Apart from ligers; the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park also has tigons and the world's rarest Li-Ligers as well. As mentioned earlier, all the major cities of China have zoos with ligers. If you are at the Chinese capital city Beijing then you can visit the Badaling Wildlife Park which also has ligers and many other big cats. Similarly; if you are at Shanghai then Shanghai Wildlife should be your most convenient option to watch the ligers.

Most Famous Liger Zoos in China
Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park
Haiku City, Hubei Province, China
Total Numbers of Ligers
5 to 8 Ligers
Other Hybrid Animals at the zoo
Tigons & Li-Ligers

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park is famous for having ligers in China.
The Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park and the Zoological Garden is the most famous zoo or animal safari park in China to have ligers. Ligeres are part of this zoo since 2002. Photo courtesy of 

China also holds the world record of having maximum births of the ligers by any tigress in the world. That tigress from the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park gave birth to 12 ligers within the span of almost 5 to 6 years. This is the highest births’ record for any tigress in the world. Even recently in 2019; a female liger at the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park has successfully given birth to the world’s rarest and China's first Li-Liger cubs as well.

China has a world record for record numbers of liger births by a tigress (12 Liger births). A tigress at the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park has given birth to as many as 12 ligers.

As many as 3 Li-Liger cubs have been witnessed at the Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park. A Li-Liger is also a liger (Second Generation hybrid) that results from the crossbreeding of the male lion and the female liger (or the ligress).

Chinese Tigress gave Birth to
12 Liger Cubs in 5 Years
12 Liger Cubs' Birth is
The World Record
China's first Li-Liger Cubs
Born in March 2019

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Liger Births' record in China by a tigress.
A tigress in China's Hainan Tropical Wildlife Park has given birth to 12 ligers within the span of almost 5 years. This is the world record for any tigress to give birth to this much numbers of ligers. Photo courtesy of