Facial Markings - Tigers

Tigers have mysterious facial markings on their face such as their forehead, cheekbones and under their eyes. Not only they look magnificent on overall appearance of the tigers but also these facial markings do reveal a lot about these amazing big cats. However; the tigers are not the only big cats with the facial markings on their face. Other known big cats with the facial markings include leopards, jaguars, clouded leopards, lynxes and even the bob cats as well.

The tigers have mysterious facial markings on their forehead, cheekbones and under their eyes. These facial markings offer key features for the tigers for their overall lifestyle.

On the other hand; the Lions and the pumas are the only big cats within the big cat family which do not have any facial markings what so ever on their faces (when they get mature). Over the years the observers have found a lot of mysterious traits within the facial markings of the tigers and this article tends to elaborate them in the most meaning way.

Amazing Facial Markings
Tigers' Facial Markings
Benefit the Tigers
Big Cats with Facial Markings
Tigers, Leopards, Cheetahs, Jaguars, Lynxes, Clouded Leopards etc.
Big Cats without Facial Markings
Pumas & the Lions
Tigers' Facial Markings
Reveal a lot about Tigers

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Tigers' facial markings.
Tigers like many other big cats have amazing facial markings on their forehead and cheeckbones etc. These facial markings benefit the tigers in the great number of ways. Photo courtesy of 

First of all, the facial markings of the tigers are different than other big cats. Other big cats usually have spotted facial markings. Such big cats include the leopards, jaguars and the clouded leopards. On the other hand; the facial markings on the tigers’ face (especially on their forehead) are in linear patterned. Furthermore; these linear markings appear to be in horizontal lines on their forehead.

Tigers are the only big cat within the big cat family to have linear-shaped facial markings. These facial markings appear horizontally on their foreheads.

Therefore; the tigers are the only big cats within the big cat family that not only have stripes on their body but also the linear facial markings resembling their stripes that are scattered horizontally on their faces as well.

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Tigers have linear facial markings.
The facial markings of the tigers appear to be linear in shape. Furthermore; the tigers' facial markings are always horizontal. Photo courtesy of  

Secondly; the facial markings on each and every tiger are unique and this way they can be uniquely identified against each other. No two tigers have the same set of the facial markings. Therefore; just like the stripes of the tigers, the facial markings may act as the fingerprints which means that one tiger can always be differentiated from another tiger, no matter how identical the tigers look in their appearance.

Each tigers' facial markings are unique. Therefore; each and every tiger can be differentiated from one another. Scientists also differentiate the tigers from one another on the basis of their facial markings.

In the wild the researchers always classify one tiger from another on the basis of their facial markings or the pattern of the stripes on their fur. Do the tigers identify each other on the basis of facial markings? Some observers do believe that the tigers are intelligent enough to recognize each other through their facial markings as well.

Each Tiger has
Unique Set of Facial Markings
Tigers can be Differentiated
On the Basis of Facial Markings
Tigers Identify Each Other
Through the Facial Markings
Tigers' Facial Markings
Act Like Fingerprints

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Tigers have unique Facial Markings.
Each tiger possesses the unique set of the facial markings. This way one tiger can be differentiated from the other tiger. Photo courtesy of  

The facial markings of the tigers come in two colors which include the black and the reddish-brown colors. The black colored facial markings are the most common ones and they are found within orange furred and the white furred tigers. Even it has been observed that the pure white tigers having the white stripes also have the black colored facial markings on their face.

Tigers usually have two colors of facial markings on their face. The black colored facial markings (normal tigers) and the reddish-brown colored facial markings as in the case of the Golden Tabby tigers.

However; their facial markings are relatively less on their foreheads as compared to the orange furred and the white furred tigers. The reddish-brown colored facial markings are only present within Golden Tabby tigers whose stripes are also reddish-brown colored. Tigers are possibly the only big cats within the big cat family which have two colors of facial markings on their face.

Tigers have
Two Colors of Facial Markings
Golden Tabby Tigers
Reddish Brown Facial Markings
Orange Furred Tigers
Black Facial Markings
White Furred Tigers
Black Facial Markings

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Golden Tabby Tigers have the reddish brown colored facial markings on their face.
The Golden Tabby Tigers are the only tigers within the tigers' family which have reddish brown colored facial markings. Rest of the tigers such as orange and white tigers have blacked colored facial markings. Photo courtesy of  

The pattern of the facial markings on the tigers also helps them to create the camouflage impact just like their stripes do for them during the hunting. The overall body of the tigers has stripes which act as the perfect camouflage jacket. The same pattern continues on the face of the tigers in the form of the linear facial markings. The prey often assumes the tigers to be part of the branches because of the tigers' camouflaging capabilities.

The facial markings of the tigers help them to integrate within the overall camouflage factor on their bodies. This is the key reason that the tigers are often termed as the stealthiest hunters within the forests.

In some cases; the prey despite knowing the presence and tiger making the chase still has no idea about the direction of the charging tiger. Even the tail of the tigers has rings of stripes too. Therefore; each and every part of the tigers' body act as the perfect camouflage mechanism and in the forest the tiger moves for the hunt within the stealth mode.

Tigers' Facial Markings
Also Create the Camouflage Impact
Tigers' Facial Markings
Integrate with their Body Stripes
Tigers' Prey has
No Idea, where the Tiger is?
Facial Markings
Help to Tigers to do the Stealth Hunt

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Tigers' facial markings help them in camouflaging their appearance.
The facial markings of the tigers, along with the stripes on their bodies, help them to create the perfect camouflage impact. Photo courtesy of  

Lastly; the facial markings of the tigers also help them against the bites of the biting flies. It's been proven scientifically that the pattern of the facial markings on their face or the stripes on their fur disrupts the landing of the biting flies, as the flies get dazzled and seek danger within them. They consider them as some insect eating reptiles, therefore; they also feel scared of them at the first hand.

The facial markings of the tigers also help them to camouflage their face and body (stripes) for the hunting. Facial markings also help tigers against the toll of the biting flies.

This has also been proven scientifically on the zebras as well as their stripes specifically help them against the toll of the biting flies. On the other hand; the cats which do not have facial markings or fur markings on their bodies severely face the impact and the toll of the biting flies.

Tigers' Facial Markings
Help Against Bites of Biting Flies
Facial Markings
Distract & Dazzle the Biting Flies
Biting Flies Consider
Facial Markings to be Reptiles

Read 99 Facts of Ligers
Tigers' facial markings keep the biting flies away.
The facial markings of the tigers keep the biting flies away. This phenomenon has been based upon the tests on Zebra's linear markings. Photo courtesy of