Hercules the liger visited London (The Capital of England) during 2010. It was almost the end of the January; with a bit of cold on a sunny day in London that Hercules the liger had a Photo Shootout along with its team coming from United States of America. This might be one of the biggest traveling by a liger in the history, as never before an adult liger had travelled that far distance. So it is one of the biggest historical achievements for a liger within ligers’ history from a travelling perspective.
Hercules the Liger had a Photo shootout at various places in London. First it had a photo shootout at the London’s Abbey Road. Liger walked in the same way, just like the Beatles Walked during 1960s song theme. Hercules the liger also had a Photo shootout with London’s Double Decker Bus (1960s) and also London’s cab as well. So overall it travelled a lot of historical places of London, thereby; making a massive bonding with historical events (Not to forget Hercules the liger also made its own history as well; here by making a historical appearance).
Hercules the liger was the first liger to visit London and United Kingdom for centuries. Last well-known event when ligers were only presented in United Kingdom were during 1799 to 1800s period. This makes a gap of almost more than two centuries for any liger to step-up in United Kingdom. Else after that there has never been any such news of liger event within United Kingdom and London in specific. Therefore; it is a huge achievement for Hercules the liger. In United Kingdom, there has been no evidence of crossbreeding of male lion and female tigers, so ligers are never born in United Kingdom.
Upon reaching London, there was a huge news buzz of Hercules the liger within United Kingdom, in United States and all around the world. The whole world documented and referred to this event, and people cheered it a lot. It was a viral buzz online as well; as all the major news sources quoted this event within their online information sources. One more thing that can be associated with this fact that over the years it is very common for Hercules the liger to make a News Buzz because of its appearance, or its own physical characteristic, and in the current case, Hercules the liger has made a News buzz because of its travelling.
Along with Hercules the liger; other team members which visited London included its Master Dr. Bhagavan Antle, Rajani Ferranti, Moksha Bybee, China York and notably Kody Antle. All of these individuals are very dedicated individuals who have raised Hercules the liger and its other Liger brothers and cared them a lot. All of them are a professional animal trainer, which guarantees the ultimate care of such of a big cat and its fellow big cats as well.
China York & Hercules the Liger
Hobbs - The Largest Liger of All Time
Liger Hercules - Pictures and Photos
Liger Hercules Speed - 60 Miles Per Hour
Liger Hercules at Miami Florida
Liger Hercules Size and Weight of 900 Pounds
Hercules the Liger at National Geographic
Hercules the Liger Visited London during 2010
Hercules the Liger Jumps more than 40 Feet Long
Hercules the Liger at King Richards Faire
Liger Hercules Health - The Healthiest and Fittest Liger
Liger Hercules in Guinness Book of World Records
Liger Hercules and its Head Size
Liger Hercules and Moksha Bybee
Liger Hercules Growth Rate (Birth to Maturity)
Liger Hercules Food Consumption and Eating Habits
Liger Hercules and Dr. Bhagavan Antle
Liger Hercules Loves Traveling
Liger Hercules Siblings and Brothers
Liger Hercules & Rajani Ferrante
Liger Hercules Drinks 1 Gallon of Water Per Day
Liger Hercules Age (10+ Years)
Hercules the Liger is 11 (Eleven) Feet Long
Liger Hercules as Brand Ambassador
Hercules the Liger is 6 (Six) Feet Tall
Hercules the Liger Weighs 900 Pounds