Liger Hercules Drinks 1 Gallon of Water Per Day

Hercules the liger normally drinks around One (1) Gallon of water every day. This is a very authentic statement and it is stated by the Mater of Hercules the Liger Dr. Bhagavan Antle. One gallon is around 3.8 liters or 16 cups of water which is relatively a lot when we are talking about a big cats and their water consumption. Does each and every liger have an average per day consumption of 1 gallon per day? Since little information is available online about water consumption of big cats especially about the ligers, therefore, the current information from Hercules the liger, can be sufficient enough to generalize about ligers’ water consumption per day.

liger Hercules drinks 1 gallon of water per day.
Hercules the liger consumes one gallon of water per day. Photo Courtesy of  

Hercules the liger is a massive big cat, weighing more than 900 pounds which is very much understandable that its water consumption will also be higher. Not all the ligers are as big as 900 pounds or greater. Moreover; female ligers are relatively smaller (600 pounds) as compared to the male ligers, and it is understandable that they will consume less water as compared to the male ligers. As a result of that, the water consumption will basically vary among ligers depending upon their weights and gender as well. In such a case we may not be able to generalize one gallon per day consumption with ligers.

Liger Hercules has greater water requirements as compared to other Big Cats.
Hercules the liger is a huge liger, therefore it has more water requirements as compared to Lions and tigers. This picture belongs to 

Another very important factor to study along regarding water consumption of Hercules the liger will include the climate factor as well. If the weather will be hotter, certainly animals and big cats including Hercules the liger will prefer to have more water and vice versa for the winter weather. As a result of that we can conclude that depending upon the weather conditions, Hercules the liger may have variation in terms of water consumption on per day basis. Furthermore; depending upon the requirements Hercules the liger may drink less than a gallon of water (only a Liter of water) some days while other days this consumption can be greater than one gallon of water per day.

Hercules the Liger Drinking water.
Picture of Hercules the liger drinking water. This picture belongs to  

However; this Water Consumption of Hercules the liger might be higher among the big cats. Because Lions, tigers, jaguars, and Leopards etc. all consume maximum 1 liter of water per day. Keeping the quantity statistics comparative for a gallon which has about 3.8 liters, Hercules the liger drinks 3 times more water consumption as compared to the other big cats. The same is true about the meat or food consumption of Hercules the liger as well, which is nearly 3 times greater than other big cats.

Liger Hercules has higher water consumption as compared to other big cats.
Water Consumption of Hercules the liger is higher as compared to all the other big cats. This picture belongs to 

In the wild, the big cats usually live near the water holes or ponds which easily fulfill the water requirements of the big cats. These water holes are used by these big cats to ambush their prey as well. Since they have to do the hunting, and defend their territories, the water consumption of the big cats in the wild are much bigger as compared to the water requirements of the big cats in the captivity. The same can be generalized for the ligers as well. If ligers would have ever existed in the wild, their water requirements would have been greater than a gallon per day. Hercules the liger lives in captivity and is provided a very nice natural habitat at Jungle Island and Myrtle Beach Safari United States. So if Hercules will ever live in the wild it might have a greater urge of the water, and definitely will drink more than a gallon of water during the single day.

Liger Hercules will have greater water consumption if it will live in the wild.
Hercules the will have higher water consumption if it will live in the wild, as the weather conditions and lifestyle would be more tiresome than living in captivity. This picture belongs to 
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