Liger Hercules Growth Rate (Birth to Maturity)

Liger Hercules has maintained a very fast Growth Rate as compared to other big cats. Liger Hercules currently weighed 922 Pounds. However; it gained 900 pounds when it was just 3 years old. At Birth, Hercules the liger was around 1 to 1.5 Pounds and after 3 years it easily reached a weight milestone of 900 pounds very easily. This Growth of 900 pounds in 3 years is simply equal to a growth of one pound per day almost. This is a very astonishing result within the world of big cats as we are reviewing the growth of the biggest of the big cats.

Hercules the liger has a very fast growth rate as compared to the other big cats.
Hercules the liger has a phenomenal growth rate. Hercules the liger is above 900 pounds. Photo Courtesy of 

It is not like Hercules the liger has been the product of some artificial Growth through some experimentation. But rather it has maintained this growth in a very normal way. However; it is true that liger has more meat consumption as compared to lions and tigers, but on account of giving the same amount of food to big cat cubs including liger cubs; ligers will truly grow much bigger as compared to the lions and tigers. Hercules the liger eats 30 pounds of meat per day. However; it can easily eat more than 100 pounds of meat in a single sitting, but that will surely make him obese according to its master (Dr. Bhagavan Antle). So Hercules the liger is given a normal food just like other ligers, and yet still it maintained a tremendous growth rate of 1 pound per day on average.

Liger Herculed Grew and Gained more than one pound per day.
In between first to 3rd year of its life, Hercules the liger has even gained more than 1 pound in a single day on regular basis. Photo Courtesy of 

Please do note that a small cub may not be able to gain one pound of weight in a single day, but rather when they become juvenile, they at this stage maintain a very high growth rate. So the growth rate of Hercules the liger was less when it was a small cub, and at the juvenile age of 1 year to 3 year, there are many chances that Hercules the liger would have surely gained more than 1 pound of weight in a single day. If this case would have been true (which we are very much sure about), then these are awesome statistics for a liger against all the big cats. This also rubs away all the false myths about ligers, which are just written every now and then to malign the image of this magnificent cat.

Liger Hercules Grew much faster during its juvenile age.
Hercules the liger would have gained more than 1 pound of weight at the juvenile age. Ligers grow much faster at the juvenile age as compared to their age being a cub. This picture belongs to 

Furthermore; if we will compare this growth of Hercules the liger even with the carnivore mammal (Land) species, we may not be able to match the per day growth of the liger (especially Hercules the liger) with any other carnivore mammal in the world. Rhinos and Elephants are huge, and they also have a very massive and astonishing per day growth as well, even 3 to 4 times greater than ligers. But surely among the meat eating mammals ligers and specifically Hercules the liger has an awesome growth rate.

Hercules the liger has the fastest growth rate among carnivore mammals.
Hercules the liger has the fastest growth rate among the carnivore mammals. This picture belongs to 

It can also be concluded that the growth rate of the ligers stops after the age of 3 years. And the myths which suggests that ligers grow all their life, is definitely a wrong one and prove out to be a negative propaganda against the ligers. So ligers have same life cycle as that of the other big cats, but during this lifecycle their growth is much faster as compared to the tigers, lions and jaguars etc. Furthermore; it is absolutely wrong to conclude that ligers grow all their lives.

Liger Hercules Growth Rate stopped at the age of three years.
The growth rate of Hercules the liger stopped at the age of 3. This picture belongs to 

Female ligers, however; on the other hand; does not maintain a one pound per day weight, but rather their growth rate is almost equivalent to that of the male lions and male tigers. Female ligers grow around 500 to 600 pounds, which is just the same weight as that of the male lions and tigers. Therefore; female ligers have less than 0.5 pounds per day growth period as compared to the male ligers. So one pound per day growth is valid for male ligers and specifically for the Hercules the liger, and it does not stand correct for Hercules the liger.

Liger Hercules has a faster growth rate as compared to the female ligers. Male ligers have a faster growth rate.
Female ligers have a slow growth rate as compared to the male ligers. This is the key reason that Hercules the liger grows maximum till the age of maturity. This picture belongs to 
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