Liger Hercules Siblings and Brothers

Hercules the liger has 3 more brothers from the same litter of ligers and has 1 further brother from another litter born to the same parents. At the time of the birth Hercules the liger had 3 more brother siblings born with him. The names of these siblings of Hercules the liger include Sinbad the Liger, Vulcan the Liger and Zeus the liger. All of these ligers are still alive as of 2014 and they are more than ten (10) years old. All of these brother siblings including Hercules the liger are very special because they have made huge world records (each one having unique attribute and characteristic) one of which include 4 liger siblings ever to live that much bigger and longer.

Liger Hercules brother Vulcan the liger. Vulcan also weighs 900 pounds.
Picture of Vulcan the liger. Vulcan is the brother of Hercules the liger, with same age. Vulcan the liger also weighs more than 900 pounds. This picture belongs to 

Hercules the liger also had one more brother named as Aries the liger. Aries the liger have also been very popular at the time of its birth. Aries the liger was born during the year 2010 and its snaps with Hercules the liger made huge buzz online during 2010’s articles. Those pictures showed Moksha Bybee a liger trainer at Jungle Island holding Aries the liger along with Hercules at the background. Whereas; in one snap, Aries the liger was also found sitting on the head of Hercules the liger. Hercules the liger appeared to be extremely gentle and peaceful big cat within those snaps.

Liger Hercules with its brother Aries the liger.
Picture of Hercules the liger and its small brother Aries the Liger. Hercules look very calm and peaceful with the presence of its brother Aries. This picture belongs to 

Among all the siblings (all male ligers) Hercules is the biggest of them all with a weight of more than 922 pounds. Another sibling of Hercules the liger named as Sinbad the liger also weighs more than 900 pounds but weighs less than Hercules the liger. The two other siblings Zeus the liger and Vulcan the liger are also around 900 pounds as well. Zeus the liger is the smallest among the liger brothers, but Zeus is still bigger than a male Siberian tiger or a male African lion.

Liger Hercules brothers Vulcan and Sinbad at Miami Florida.
Liger brothers Vulcan the liger and Sinbad the liger along with Rajani Ferrante. This photo is taken from Miami, Florida. Photo courtesy of  

A very interesting fact about Hercules the liger and its siblings is that they never had a sister or a female liger as their sibling. Their father is a Male African Lion and their mother is a Siberian Tigress. So it will be mostly up to the parents about this genetic development. All the other siblings who were born with a same litter as with Hercules the liger are very friendly with one another. They occasionally meet with one another on big shows and they always recognize each other and interact very peacefully with one another. All the four ligers from the same litter including Hercules the liger are living separately from one another and some being live in other cities too. However; during summers they come together for few days and love to interact with one another. The best thing which all the siblings enjoy is to swim together. Remember ligers are very good swimmers.

Liger Hercules Brothers and Siblings love to swim.
Brothers of Hercules the liger swimming together in a swimming pool. Ligers love to swim and so does Hercules the liger and its brothers. This picture belongs to 

Since all the brothers of Hercules the liger are more than 900 pounds, this takes us to a conclusion that their aggregate weight will be around 3600 pounds. This is again a world record for any big cat litter of brothers who had gain a weight of 3600 pounds. Even no other liger brothers have gained that much amount of weight like that of Hercules the liger. Dr. Bhagvan Antle always mentions that Hercules and its brothers have made a lot of records, and they continue to do so.

Liger Hercules brothers have a combined aggregate weight of 3600 pounds.
The combined aggregate weight of Liger brothers is more than 3600 pounds which is a record breaking for these Liger brothers. This picture belongs to 
More About Liger Hercules

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Liger Hercules Siblings and Brothers

Liger Hercules & Rajani Ferrante

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Liger Hercules Age (10+ Years)

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Hercules the Liger is 6 (Six) Feet Tall

Hercules the Liger Weighs 900 Pounds