The Head Size of Hercules the liger is about 18 Inches (1.5 Feet) long which is almost equal to the size of the shoulders of a man. This head size is very huge and it also allows Hercules the liger to look more fearful and ferocious looking big cat. Also remember another fact that Hercules the liger has no mane, and with a mane its head would have been much bigger. Some ligers have a mane on around their head while other do not have mane. Hercules the liger is one of those ligers which do not have the mane on around his head. Some lions even do not have the mane around their head as well. It can be assumed that a liger with a mane would have even bigger head size of around 20 inches as well.
The head size of Hercules the liger is more than twice bigger than that of the tiger and lions. However; do remember that the mane of the lions do make their heads bigger and huge, but even then the Head size of Hercules the liger remains a benchmark within Big Cats. As compared to Leopards, the Head Size of Hercules the liger is 5 times bigger, and as compared to the Cheetahs, it is almost 6 to 7 times bigger. In simple words, all the other big cat heads almost look like dwarf heads when compared to the head of Hercules the liger.
Among mammals Elephants have the biggest head size; however; if we further filter mammals to the extent of carnivore mammals, Hercules the liger will stand out to be the biggest in terms of its head size. Truly within the category of carnivore mammals ligers have come up being the biggest species living on planet earth. No other carnivore mammals are as big as Ligers. Cats dominate Carnivore mammals, and since ligers are the most dominant ones in terms of their sizes, therefore; whenever a comparison will be prompted within the category of carnivore mammals, ligers will stand out as the gigantic and biggest ones. Hercules being the biggest within the group of the carnivore mammals, also makes another great accomplishment for the ligers group as well.
Hercules the liger will also have a Powerful Bite within the group of all the big cats. Usually in the wild Africa among mammals Hyenas have the most powerful biting force and its bite is considered to be 3 times power than that of the lions. A Liger on the other hand is a huge and it will not be wrong to estimate that Hercules the liger will have the most powerful bite and will be equivalent to the bite power of the Hyenas or even greater than it. Since Hercules the liger is living in captivity like all the ligers, the captive ligers and other big cats in captivity do not have that much powerful bite power as compared to the big cats in the wild. The reason being Hercules being a captive liger get a timely meal and does not have to thrust an effort to grab it. So associating a powerful bite power with Hercules the liger or any other liger will be inconclusive evidence.
However; Hercules the liger’s head and mouth are big enough to easily put inside a whole head of a human being inside its mouth. Bigger head also allows Hercules the liger to have bigger mouth, bigger teeth and bigger Jaws. These can be powerful, and also very convenient for Hercules the liger to consume huge amount of foods. A Liger tooth is more than twice the tooth of the tiger or lion. Bigger jaws of Hercules the liger are backed with powerful muscles which ultimate allows Hercules the liger to have a powerful bite too.
A very interesting thing to prompt and explore here is that whether the size of the ligers’ brain is bigger as compared to the other big cats? Ligers are growing twice the size of tigers and lions. Tigers have a huge brain. Ligers inherit most of their characteristics from tigers. But does liger inherits tigers brain as well. The Telegraph once reported that tigers are more intelligent as compared to lions and they have bigger brains. Ligers in all aspects are bigger than tigers, but do they also possess bigger brains? Only MRI Scan can reveal whether ligers have bigger brain proportionate to their body sizes or not. The bigger head of Hercules the liger is a clear indicator and also raises possibilities that Hercules the liger might have a bigger brain as compared to lions and tigers. Overall ligers are intelligent than lions and tigers because they can practice both lions and tigers’ characteristics.
China York & Hercules the Liger
Hobbs - The Largest Liger of All Time
Liger Hercules - Pictures and Photos
Liger Hercules Speed - 60 Miles Per Hour
Liger Hercules at Miami Florida
Liger Hercules Size and Weight of 900 Pounds
Hercules the Liger at National Geographic
Hercules the Liger Visited London during 2010
Hercules the Liger Jumps more than 40 Feet Long
Hercules the Liger at King Richards Faire
Liger Hercules Health - The Healthiest and Fittest Liger
Liger Hercules in Guinness Book of World Records
Liger Hercules and its Head Size
Liger Hercules and Moksha Bybee
Liger Hercules Growth Rate (Birth to Maturity)
Liger Hercules Food Consumption and Eating Habits
Liger Hercules and Dr. Bhagavan Antle
Liger Hercules Loves Traveling
Liger Hercules Siblings and Brothers
Liger Hercules & Rajani Ferrante
Liger Hercules Drinks 1 Gallon of Water Per Day
Liger Hercules Age (10+ Years)
Hercules the Liger is 11 (Eleven) Feet Long
Liger Hercules as Brand Ambassador
Hercules the Liger is 6 (Six) Feet Tall
Hercules the Liger Weighs 900 Pounds